Sonic Youth

BigBanonos Top Songs by Sonic Youth

Sonic Youth

Sonic Youth's groundbreaking sound redefined alternative rock with their experimental noise rock and genre-defying innovation. Here are BigBanonos' top selections:

  1. Catholic Block | Sister | Released: 1987 | SST Records
  2. Dude Ranch Nurse | Sonic Nurse | Released: 2004 | Geffen
  3. Kool Thing | Goo | Released: 1990 | Geffen
  4. Teen Age Riot | Daydream Nation | Released: 1988 | Enigma Records
  5. The Diamond Sea | Washing Machine | Released: 1995 | DGC
  6. Little Trouble Girl (ft. Kim Deal) | Washing Machine | Released: 1995 | DGC
  7. Personality Crisis | Whores: A Tribute to the Velvet Underground | Released: 1992 | Communion
  8. Unmade Bed | Sonic Nurse | Released: 2004 | Geffen

(ft. Kim Deal) Little Trouble Girl

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