New Order - 6 Songs

BigBanonos Top Songs by New Order

New Order

New Order's fusion of post-punk, new wave, and synthpop shaped a generation of music, blending rock and electronic sounds in unforgettable ways. Here are BigBanonos' top New Order selections:

  1. Blue Monday | Substance | Rhino | Released: August 17, 1987
  2. Touched by the Hand of God - 12" Version | Brotherhood (Collector's Edition) | Rhino/Warner Records | Released: September 29, 1986
  3. Bizarre Love Triangle | Brotherhood (Collector's Edition) | Rhino/Warner Records | Released: September 29, 1986
  4. Age of Consent - 2015 Remaster | Power, Corruption & Lies | Rhino | Released: May 2, 1983
  5. Temptation | 1981
  6. Ceremony| 1981

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