Project Pat

BigBanonos Top Songs by Project Pat

Project Pat

Project Pat is a staple of Memphis hip hop, known for his crunk beats and southern storytelling. Here are BigBanonos' favorite selections from his discography:

  1. Ooh Nuthin' | Mista Don't Play: Everythangs Workin' | Released: February 13, 2001 | Hypnotize Minds Productions
  2. Chickenhead (feat. La Chat & Three 6 Mafia) | Mista Don't Play: Everythangs Workin' | Released: February 13, 2001 | Hypnotize Minds Productions
  3. Chickenhead | Greatest Hits | Released: 2002 | Hypnotize Minds Productions
  4. On Da Porch (Skit) | Walkin' Bank Roll | Released: October 30, 2007 | Hypnotize Minds/Columbia
  5. Don't Call Me No Mo (feat. Three 6 Mafia) | Walkin' Bank Roll | Released: October 30, 2007 | Hypnotize Minds/Columbia
  6. Motivated (feat. Will Wesson) | Walkin' Bank Roll | Released: October 30, 2007 | Hypnotize Minds/Columbia

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