The Reigning Sound

BigBanonos Top Songs by Reigning Sound

Reigning Sound’s fusion of garage rock, punk blues, and Memphis indie gives them a timeless, gritty edge. Here are BigBanonos’ top selections in order of most recently released:

  1. Call Me #1 (Stream) | Released: 2011
  2. Pretty Girl (Stream) | Released: 2005
  3. If Christmas Can't Bring You Home (Stream) | Released: 2005
  4. We Repel Each Other (Stream) | Released: 2004
  5. If You Can't Give Me Everything (Stream) | Released: 2004
  6. Drowning (Stream) | Released: 2004
  7. Funny Thing (Stream) | Released: 2004
  8. Find Me Now (Stream) | Released: 2004
  9. Brown Paper Sack (Stream) | Released: 2002
  10. You're Not as Pretty (Stream) | Released: 2002
  11. She's Bored with You (Stream) | Released: 2002
  12. Tonight I'll Cry (Stream) | Released: 2002
  13. I'll Cry (Stream) | Released: 2002
  14. Debris (Stream) | Released: 2002

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Tags: @reigningsound